Today I’m over at Caribbean Accent Book Reviews (CABR) chatting with my gracious host, Sasha. I’ve interviewed lots of authors (actors, musicians, artists, etc.) over the years–most of them over on All Things Girl. It is strange, yet exciting, to be on the other end of the questions. Sasha’s questions were a great way to ease into this whole new world of being the interviewee.
We discuss what prompted me to tell Melanie and Raine’s story, a scene I found challenging to write, and who I would be if I could be anybody for a day. (That last one is probably my favorite.)
I’m also sharing a funny Making the First Move excerpt which features one of my favorite secondary characters from this story–Melanie’s mom, Ellie Gordon. I love Ellie’s character. She’s the matriarch of the Gordon Family and she isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. She loves her girls fiercely, but she also seems to have a gift for embarrassing poor Melanie. This scene is essentially a meet cute between Melanie’s love interest–Raine–and her mother who is immediately smitten with him–on behalf of her daughter, of course. The story takes place in my hometown and this scene occurs at one of my favorite spots in town–the Cleveland Museum of Art.
I’d love it if you’d stop by CABR to say hello. While you’re there, be sure to enter into a drawing for an e-copy of Making the First Move.