The theme this month over at the newly launched Contemporary Romance Café is “Inspiration.” It’s been fun hearing the inspiration behind the writing and novels of fellow Carina Press authors.
Today it’s my turn to host the Café and I’m chatting about my inspiration for writing everyday heroines, setting my stories in the my Midwest hometown of Cleveland, OH, and the specific idea that prompted me to write Making the First Move, my debut novel launching this summer.
Grab a cup of coffee and join me for a chat over at the Contemporary Romance Café. While you’re there, don’t forget to enter to win the weekly Amazon Gift Card giveaway and our Grand Prize. I’m saving a space on the couch just for you.
I love talking about inspiration and I love romance, I’ll be heading over
Thank you for visiting Jennie, and for your excellent post on writing and motherhood. It reminded me that it is worth the sacrifice to go to bed earlier so I can get up and write when my mind is freshest.