Colorful characters. Sinfully sweet romance.
by ReeseRyan
by ReeseRyan
I’m in an awesome writers group that posts writing challenges each month. Members share how much they intend to write during the week, 2-week or 1-month period to follow and how they plan to reward themselves.
I’d like to make my reward something yummy (like an entire pineapple upside down cake), but that won’t help my other cause, which is getting healthier by working out daily courtesy of DailyBurn.com. So this time I opted to go with something I’ve always wanted but hadn’t gotten around to getting: graphic T-shirts.
Why haven’t I purchased them before? One: for a long time it was rare to find one that wasn’t designed for anyone whose shape was more eraser than pencil. Second: When you did find one, the price was more than this penny pincher frugal person was willing to pay.
Enter the age of do-it-yourself T-shirt websites.
Now you can find T-shirts for everyone that support any cause or share just about any sentiment. It’s also super easy to make your own. I created a to-buy list of graphic tees I wanted and I’m rewarding myself with one or two whenever I hit a new goal or deadline. When I turned in Book #2 of my upcoming Pleasure Cove series with Harlequin Kimani Romance, I bought myself the following two graphic tees:
Fell in love with this shirt the instant I saw it. It’s perfect for those moments when:
I chose purple because…Prince…and the purple and green are a throw back to Lou Ferrigno’s Incredible Hulk with those crazy purple pants and his you-done-made-me-mad-now green skin. Makes me feel slightly invincible and like I could do a split in heels while playing a guitar. I’m just sayin’.
Anyone who knows me well knows that though I grew up in the hood, I have always been very much a hippie. So, as noted in the conversation with my husband (see below), it would be more accurate to say a little hood, a lot hippie. And as if I didn’t love this shirt enough for the graphic, the fabric is so soft. I could live in this thing. I’m thinking of belting it and wearing it as a dress. Just kidding! (Or am I?)
Anyhoo…my husband, whose obsession with Aldo shoes is one of the many reasons I lovingly refer to him as GQ Jones, and I had the following conversation this morning:
GQ Jones: Can we change that to A Little Hood, A Lot Hippie? *smirks*
Me: You do know this refers to a flower child, philosophical hippie, not someone with a lot of hips?
GQ Jones: You do know I’m not the only one who is going to be confused about that.
Me: *shrugs* Either way, A Little Hood, A Lot Hippie still applies. If someone makes that shirt, I’ll definitely buy it.
Okay, time for me to get back to work so I can earn my next graphic tee.
How do you reward yourself for a job well done? Or are you more of the just-shut-up-and-do-it type who doesn’t worry about rewarding yourself? (If so, I wanna be you, but I’m totally okay with the fact that I never will be.)
Happy Reading!
by ReeseRyan
Over the past few months of the #WeNeedDiverseRomance campaign I’ve been getting to know multicultural authors that were new to me. During that time I’ve come to the realization that in reality, this campaign isn’t just about blazing a path for new authors of color. There are plenty out there right now that we don’t know about. So periodically I’ll be sharing an interview with authors of all colors. However, I will focus on getting to know authors of color and spotlighting their work.
My decision to add this feature was prompted by an invitation to participate in the promo for Elle Wright’s new release, The Forbidden Man. So it’s fitting that we begin this feature with an introduction to her.
Elle, welcome and thank you for inviting me to help get the word out about your exciting, new Edge of Scandal series. For readers who are new to you, tell us three things we should know about Elle Wright.
I love the premise of FORBIDDEN MAN. It’s filled with drama and high-stakes conflict. Tell us a little about the story.
The Forbidden Man is the story of a woman (Sydney) who finds out that her fiancé cheated on her while she’s getting fitted for her wedding dress. Devastated, she calls off the wedding and proceeds to get smashed. Enter Morgan, her fiancé’s brother and one of her closest friends.
Initially, Morgan just wants Syd to be okay so he helps her. He offers her a safe haven, away from his brother. Eventually, they cross a line and they can’t turn back.
How would you describe your heroine, Sydney Williams? And your hero, Morgan Smith?
Sydney is an intelligent, ambitious woman. In business, she knows what she wants. She thought she knew what she wanted in her personal life, too. Unfortunately, she ends up being hurt in the process. One of the things I like about Sydney is she’s a planner (like me). She has mapped out her life and when Caden cheats on her, everything screeches to a halt. It’s interesting seeing her try to plan her way out of the situation she finds herself in because there are no rules. And she hates to hurt or disappoint the people that she loves. She’s terrified of losing her core group of friends/family. She’s a protector—loyal, dependable. And she’s done something that is not good in her eyes. At the same time she can’t stop herself. She’s human, flawed. But she’s a survivor and she has the scars to prove it.
Morgan is fine. Ha! Just kidding. Well, he is fine. But what I like about Morgan is he’s real, doesn’t hold punches. He had a horrible childhood, but rose above his circumstances. He’s determined, trustworthy (normally), and generous. But he’s very guarded and stubborn. His biological father was a criminal so he works hard to never be like him. Morgan is a caregiver, just like Syd. He’s practically turned his life upside down to take care of his older brother and has grown tired of it.
Writing is so personal. As writers, we put our heart and soul into every scene. But is there one scene you are especially fond or proud of? Give us a brief highlight of the scene.
There are so many parts that I love because I adore the characters. Sometimes when I read the book or a random scene, I think… WOW, I did that. But there is one scene that I really love. Morgan and Syd have realized there is more building between them. Syd puts the brakes on it and asks Morgan to take her to a hotel. On the way, they hit a patch of ice and end up stranded on the side of the road. At first, they are cool and talking like the friends they always were. But eventually, things take a turn and they have their very first encounter. It completely takes them by surprise which was fun to write.
What can we expect next in the Edge of Scandal series?
The Edge of Scandal series explores the lives of the group of friends introduced in The Forbidden Man. I’m probably biased, but I love these characters. And they are ride or die for each other, which is awesome.
HIS ALL NIGHT (November 24)
Did I mention Sydney has a twin brother? Well, book two is all about Jared and Sydney’s best friend, Cali. Jared is in love (or falling in love) with Cali, but she is not trying to change their current awesome-sex-but-please-no-commitment relationship. Even if Cali does love him, she’d never tell him. Can Jared convince her to let go and take a chance on him?
HER KIND OF MAN (Spring 2016)
Engaged to a prominent preacher, Allina is the envy of Cleveland. But instead of walking down the aisle, she walks out the door and runs back home to Michigan. Instead of seeking solace with her friend, Sydney, she ends up on Kent’s doorstep. One look is all it takes for Kent to know two things: his attraction to Allina is stronger than ever—and there is more to her story than she’s telling him…
Thank you so much to Elle for stopping by today! To learn more about Elle and the Edge of Scandal series, check out the summary and buy links below. Then don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter contest for your chance to win a copy.
THE FORBIDDEN MAN by Elle Wright (July 28, 2015; Forever Mass Market; The Edge of Scandal #1)
In Love With the Wrong Man
Sydney Williams has forgiven her fiancé, Den, more times than she can count. But his latest betrayal just days before their wedding is too big to ignore. Shocking her friends and family, she calls off the engagement. She walks out on Den . . . and into the arms of his brother, Morgan.
Known as a player, Morgan Smith has secretly spent years fighting his feelings for Sydney. When Den’s latest dirty deed leaves Sydney devastated, Morgan can’t stop himself from coming to her rescue. What begins as friendship quickly escalates into all-consuming passion. Despite their intense connection, Sydney would rather deny her desire than come between brothers. But as Morgan is determined to make Sydney his, Den won’t give her up without a fight . . .
Buy the book!
About the author:
Born and raised in Southeast Michigan near Ann Arbor, Elle learned the importance of reading from her mother. It was also her mother who, later on in her life, gave Elle her first romance novel: Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. From that moment on, Elle became a fan of Ms. Jenkins for life and a lover of all things romance. An old journal she wrote back in college became her first book (which she still wants to publish one day).
Connect with Elle on Social Media:
by ReeseRyan
If you follow me on Facebook, you know I’ve committed to a yoga challenge called 30 Days of Yoga. Seven days in, I’m so stoked about staying on track that I want to add a new commitment to the mix: posting here every Friday.
Life has been a bit crazy, and I’ve been M.I.A. here. I’ve missed connecting with you, so I’ll do my best to pop in here and touch base. Let you know what’s going on in my world and find out what’s going on in yours.
First, if you haven’t joined my mailing list, you’ll want to do that here. Giveaways connected with my upcoming contemporary romance series will be coming soon.
We’re on the countdown to the Hot MAMA Land Fly Hat Society Meet & Greet. The event will take place on July 11, 2015 from 2-6PM at the Greensboro Central Library in Greensboro, North Carolina. We’d love to have you there with us. Wear your flyest hat and join the Fly Hat Contest. I’m going to be a judge, so this will be fun.
Still haven’t reserved your space? Maybe you’ve been waiting for a personal invitation. In that case, I’ve got you covered. See mine below the event graphic. Then I hope to see you there.
by ReeseRyan
Today, I’m participating in the Kiss and Tell Blog Tour. Read the scene below. Then, in the comments, tell me whether Raine is trying to steal a kiss or tell Melanie something. One random tour commenter will be picked each day for a $5 Amazon or B&N gift card.
Melanie Gordon has spent the past five years obsessing over her career to dull the pain of a devastating breakup and the loss of her father. Her effort pays off when she receives the promotion that could be her big break. Only it means returning to her hometown to face her past while leaving behind the man who could be her future.
Selfless (and insanely sexy) philanthropist, Raine Mason, is committed to his cause. But his passion for rescuing high-risk young males from the road to disaster is fueled by his own dark and tragic past.
When Raine is ready to take his casual friendship with Melanie to sizzling new heights, her one-way ticket to Cleveland is already booked. But a steamy night of passion leaves them both wanting more, even if Melanie is afraid to admit it. She reluctantly agrees to a long-distance relationship with no promises and no commitments.
Melanie may finally be ready to give Raine her heart…but then she discovers startling news that causes her to question everything she knows about him. Worse, he’s harboring a dark secret from his past that threatens to shatter any hope of a future for them unless he can convince her that their love is worth the risk.
Thirty minutes later, Raine is standing in my doorway in a camel-colored cashmere sweater and a pair of Levi’s. A white, button-down shirt peeks underneath the collar. Chin-length, caramel-colored locs are pulled back at the crown of his head, with the remaining hair hanging free. He is, in a word, gorgeous.
My eyes trace the curve of his biceps. I lick my lips, cheeks flushed, and hope he hasn’t noticed I’ve spent the past five seconds checking him out from head to toe. Twice.
“I see you’re ready to go.” He nods toward the wrap draped over my arm and my clutch tucked underneath it.
“I am.”
“Then shall we?” Raine extends his hand in the direction of the narrow stairwell leading down to the first floor.
“Let’s.” I offer a nervous smile.
He slips his hand to the small of my back. I try not to notice the heat emanating from his hand. But it’s nearly impossible to ignore the jolt of electricity, which travels through his long, elegant fingers and enters the base of my spine.
I’m sure his hand has been on that exact spot when he’s guided me through a crowd or we’ve danced together at charity functions. His touch seemed incidental then. Tonight, there’s something about the placement and pressure of his hand that feels deliberate, significant. Or maybe I’m transferring my own well-guarded desire to an innocent gesture.
Raine guides me down the stairs, out the front door and into his car, his hand still on my back.
“Thanks for doing this,” I say. “I know it’s short notice.”
“I couldn’t leave you standing there dressed, with no place to go.” He tries to hide a smirk as he turns the ignition.
“How’d you know I was already dressed when I called?”
“You’ve never been ready when I came to pick you up. There’s not a chance in hell you threw this together in thirty minutes. You look…amazing.”
“Very clever,” I say. “And thank you, I think.”
“It’s too bad, actually.”
“What’s too bad?”
“That you were ready. I was hoping to catch you in a towel, just out of the shower,” he says, his eyes straight ahead.
My cheeks grow warm. I’m not offended, just surprised. Our social conversations have been mildly flirtatious, but never anything so easily decipherable. We prefer our flirtation so well-coded that only a world-class hacker has a chance in hell of sorting it all out.
I stifle a giggle. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
He smiles.
We ride in silence for a while. He pays strict attention to the road. I pretend to be fascinated by the houses and apartments that fly by my window. The same ones I’ve seen nearly every day for the past five years.
“How about some music?” Raine finally breaks the silence.
“Sure. What’ve you got?”
“There should be something in there you can tolerate.” He nods toward his iPod then gestures for an elderly gentleman—who is halfway into the intersection—to cross the street.
I scroll through his iPod. “The Collection by Alanis Morissette?” I laugh. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for an Alanis fan.”
“I’m a complicated kind of guy.” He winks at me.
“Let’s see just how complicated.” I keep scrolling until I come across Learn to Speak Spanish. “I didn’t know you were learning Spanish.”
“I’ve had that forever. All I can say is No hablo español.” He shrugs. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“Why are you learning it?”
There’s a slight pause before he answers. “A lot of my clients speak English as a second language. Communicating with them in their native tongue lends to a more powerful experience. Besides, as you know—Ms. Regional Talent Manager, is it?—being bilingual makes me more marketable.”
“It’s the Great Lakes Regional Talent Acquisition Manager,” I practically sing, “thank you very much. And I’m glad you’re thinking about your marketability. The work you’re doing at the Center is important, but I wouldn’t blame you if you went for a corporate job. You’ve got a lot to offer.”
Raine turns toward me at a stoplight. There’s something intense, brooding about his eyes, like dark gray clouds rolling in ahead of a fierce storm. He wants to say something but isn’t quite ready to say it.
The light turns green, and the driver behind us blows the horn. Raine pulls off.
“Personally or professionally?” He stares ahead again.
“Both, of course.”
“So as a headhunter you’d consider me a viable candidate?”
“Sure. You have years of experience in social services and nonprofit administration. You’re passionate about making a difference in the community. Dozens of organizations—nonprofits, corporations, government agencies—are desperate for a candidate like you. I could have you placed in a week, easy.”
“That’s good to know.” Raine turns into the parking lot of Spinelli’s and finds a spot. “What about personally? Would someone like you, for instance—a successful, professional woman—think I have a lot to offer?”
My heart beats faster. I nod. “Yes. Someone like me would.”
Raine bites his lower lip. The left side of his mouth slowly spreads into a subdued smile. He pushes his door open. “Don’t move. I’ll be right there.”
He walks around, opens my door and extends his hand. I stare at it, as if he’s a smiling stranger offering candy. Taking a deep breath, I gently place my hand in his. He tightens his grip and draws me out of the car.
We stand so close our bodies practically touch. His delicious scent fills my nostrils. For a fleeting moment it seems he’s going to lean in and kiss me. Instead he steps back, extends his elbow and leads me inside the restaurant.
<=====END OF EXCERPT=====>
Don’t forget to leave your comment below. Is Raine trying to kiss Melanie or tell her something? Good luck!
by ReeseRyan
It’s time to sample teasers from a wide range of talented authors. A little something we like to call the Mid Week Tease, hosted by the fabulous Sandra Bunino. If you missed my tease last week (and you probably did, because like the genius I sometimes am, I forgot to sign up for last week’s tease) you’ll find that Melanie and Raine…ahem…made a connection. It’s now the morning after that delicious feeling of complete and utter ecstasy and Mel is still getting to know this new side of Raine.
<=====Excerpt of Making the First Move=====>
Saturday morning I awake alone, tangled in the sheet. I roll over and look at the clock. It’s ten-thirty. Sitting up, I look around for evidence of my night with Raine. I need confirmation that it wasn’t an exceedingly vivid fantasy. Raine’s clothes are no longer on the floor where he’d tossed them last night, but I smell food and hear pots clanging.
Slipping from under the covers, I hurry into the bathroom, grateful I won’t be forced to do an awkward sheet shimmy.
The mirror reveals what Raine must have seen this morning. Hair smashed flat on one side, crust in the corners of my eyes—and is that dried drool? I shudder.
Standing under the steaming hot water in the shower, I lather my hair, replaying the night before. Finally I emerge from the bathroom in my bathrobe—teeth brushed, body scrubbed, hair washed and pulled into a neat, low bun.
I follow the tantalizing aroma of breakfast. Raine stands at the stove barefoot in jeans and an undershirt. He turns toward the sound of my footsteps. His eyes light up and he breaks into a grin that flexes every muscle in his face. The last time someone was this glad to see me, I had to take him for a walk and give him doggy treats.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” He leans in to kiss me then quickly returns his attention to the skillet. “Hungry?”
“You cuddle. You spend the night. You make breakfast.” I shake my head. “Are you for real? ’Cause I’ve seen this in Lifetime movies. It doesn’t end well.”
When he looks away quickly, I’m afraid I’ve offended him. But then the right side of his mouth turns up in a half smile.
“Consider yourself the beneficiary of two decades of trial and error,” he says. “Or maybe this is all part of my evil plan.” He raises his eyebrows up and down manically.
“So there is an evil plan. Well, that’s a relief.” I smile. “But I shouldn’t be surprised. There’s a lot more to you than you let on.” I gently trace the sword tattoo on his right arm with my fingertips.
Raine offers a quick smile before he focuses on his cooking again. He slides a spatula underneath the omelet he’s cooking and gently flips it. “Like I said, things were crazy for a few years. My mother likes to call it my ‘Tattoo Period.’”
“Looks like you were quite the badass.” I touch the faded blue head of a large phoenix across his back. “Exactly how many tattoos do you have?”
“Four. One on each arm. One on my chest. One on my back. It only looks like more because of their size.” He picks up a strip of bacon and offers it to me. I take a bite. “That’s practically a choir boy by NBA standards.”
“True.” I nibble on the bacon. “Still, there must be a helluva story behind every one of those.”
“There is.” A hint of perturbance flashes behind stormy gray eyes. “But that’s a conversation for another day.” The corner of his mouth lifts in a subdued smile as he hands me another piece of bacon.
“Okay,” I concede, taking a seat behind the breakfast bar. “I’m absolutely starving and everything smells and tastes delicious. I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed.”
“Don’t be. It’s the only meal in my repertoire.” His shoulders relax and he smiles. “Got any plans this weekend?”
At least a hundred things I should be doing come to mind. There are plans to make and five years of my life to pack. “Nothing really.”
“I thought we could hang out this weekend.”
“Sounds nice. What did you have in mind?”
“How about a picnic in the park this afternoon?”
“A picnic? I haven’t been on one since I was a kid.”
My dad loved picnics. We would each make our own sandwiches. Mom would make one of her homemade apple pies. We’d play bocce ball. I haven’t thought about those family picnics for years.
I can see and hear my dad so clearly. His broad smile. The glint in his eyes. His contagious laugh. I miss him. But I’m taken off guard by how much I miss the other faces around that picnic blanket—my mother, my sister and Jamie.
“You alright?” Raine sets breakfast in front of me.
“I’m fine. Just thinking about…a picnic.” I smile. “I’d love to go.”
“Great. Now, try this.” He feeds me the spinach omelet he’s been making.
“Delish.” I take the fork from him, stab another forkful and shove it into my mouth.
He pours me a glass of orange juice.
“What else is on the agenda this weekend?” I ask between bites of omelet.
Raine stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Let’s just say omelets and orange juice aren’t the only O I plan to give you this weekend.” He laughs when I drop my fork. “I have a few errands to run this morning and I need to go home and change first,” he continues.
“Would it be easier if I just got dressed and went with you?” I ask, hoping for a chance to see his place.
“No,” he says quickly. “I mean, it won’t take me long. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. When I get back maybe I can show you a few more of my…hidden talents.”
Clearing my throat, I try to smile demurely. “I think that can be arranged.” I take a sip of orange juice.
“Then it’s a date.” Raine turns my chair around and kisses me long and hard. A kiss that melts me like a pudding pop dropped on a sizzling summer sidewalk.
I squeeze my eyes shut and remind myself not to get used to this. In a few days I’ll be back in Cleveland for a visit. Less than a month from now my fling with Raine will be nothing more than a pleasant memory.
So why am I missing him from the moment the door clicks shut?
<=====END OF EXCERPT=====>
Hmm…seems like things are going to be a bit more complicated than Mel had hoped. Next time we’ll see what happens after she returns from her quick trip home, where she reunites with her family and best friend/sister, Jamie Charles, of Love Me Not. But now it’s time to see what everyone else is offering this week. I’ll see you at the next stop.
Happy teasing!
by ReeseRyan
It’s that time of the week when we get to take a peek behind the covers of currently available novels and novellas and works in progress of several, talented authors–the Mid Week Tease, hosted by Sandra Bunino.
Last week I shared an excerpt from my debut, Making the First Move. Melanie and Raine have had a business relationship and a casual friendship that has included a few “plus one” situations. However, once Raine discovered that Melanie would be relocating to Cleveland, he felt compelled to finally act on his feelings for her. Melanie knows nothing can come of this, but then again, she has nothing to lose. Or does she?
<=====Excerpt of Making the First Move=====>
The twenty or so steps to my bed seem like the longest walk I’ve ever taken. My nipples throb from his sucking and teasing, my heart is beating like a drum and there’s a steady, dull ache emanating from between my thighs. Every erogenous zone on my body is doing a celebration dance, like farmers welcoming the first drops of rain. My body is completely in line with my decision. My head feels the need to interfere.
Why are we doing this? I’m about to leave.
Did I make my bed?
I hope I wore matching underwear today.
What’s going to happen after this?
Maybe we shouldn’t…
We stop at the foot of the bed and look at it for an instant, then at each other.
I place my hands on his chest and lean into him, forcing my eyes to meet his. It’s exceedingly difficult to divert my gaze from his body. The man is sex poured into a glass on ice with a twist of lemon. And I want him.
God, do I want him.
“Is this one of those moments we’re going to seriously regret in the morning?” My voice comes out shaky and for the first time since we started this I’m very conscious of the fact that we’re both half-naked.
He kisses my palm, then my fingertips. “I could never regret this,” he says. “What about you?”
“No,” I say. “No regrets.”
I lean into him and press my mouth on his. He lifts me slightly, puts one knee on the bed and then lowers his body on mine.
He brushes loose curls from my face. “You’re fucking gorgeous. You know that?” He kisses me again before I respond. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to say that? To tell you how much I need you? I should’ve told you a long time ago.”
“Yes, you should have. But perhaps you can make it up to me.” I flash him a naughty smile as I trace his deliciously full lips with my thumb.
The corner of his mouth lifts in a devilish grin. He presses his mouth against mine. His tongue dives in immediately. Mine invites it to a passionate dance. A rehearsal for the union I hope will soon take place.
But Raine has something else in mind.
He rolls off me and slides his hand down my stomach, which I try hard to hold in. He kisses my belly and slides his fingertips back and forth underneath the waistband of my jeans. A difficult task, since there’s very little room to spare. He unfastens the button and slowly unzips them.
Raine peels off the jeans that are practically a second skin and pushes them off onto the floor, an act I’m willing to overlook. He removes his jeans and tosses them next to mine.
He bites his lower lip as he studies me lying, trembling, on the bed in nothing but a pair of red satin panties.
I feel exposed in a way I never have before. Butterflies do a synchronized waltz inside my stomach. My chest rises and falls rapidly. I’m eager, but try not to show it. And a little uneasy, but I try not to show that either.
Raine has been my Taye Diggs. The hot guy you fantasize about but never delude yourself into thinking you can actually have. So while I’ll admit to the fantasy, the realization that he’s actually in my bed is a little unnerving.
He kisses my neck. My breasts. My stomach. Above my waistband, which he is now edging down, taking a peek. I lift my hips to help him remove my panties. I can feel the dampness against my skin as he slides them down my leg.
Raine plants soft, delicate kisses along my belly, pelvic bone and inner thigh. My body responds with a sharp inhalation to his warm lips pressing against my throbbing clit. I grip the bedding and writhe as he teases it with his tongue. I bite my lower lip and practically hold my breath in an attempt to muffle the sounds trying to escape as I’m overcome by a wave of intense pleasure.
It feels as if I’m about to implode from this delicious feeling of complete and utter ecstasy. Is that possible? Death by sex? Because it seems like a very real possibility.
Suddenly he stops. I’ve barely taken a breath before he dives his nimble tongue inside me and works its magic.
I moan and thrust against him, wanting, needing more. He’s only too happy to oblige. He threads his arms through my legs then presses his fingers inside my thighs, splaying them further open and anchoring my bottom to the bed.
My soft whimpering escalates to match the increased speed of his tongue, dipping in and out of my slick core. My lips part and my chin lifts as I ride this intense wave of pleasure. My breath becomes quick and ragged as he sends me spiraling into an orgasm that is like a jolt of electricity delivered to every inch of my body.
<=====END OF EXCERPT=====>
Thus begins what Melanie expects to be a short fling between her and Raine. Then they’ll both go their separate ways and chalk this up to a missed opportunity. Only, things rarely work out exactly as we expect. Stay tuned.
Now, before we all go and stuff our faces with turkey and a yummy variety of carb-loaded sides, it’s time to see what tasty teases my fellow authors have in store. By the way, all teases this week are guaranteed to be carb-free.
Happy teasing!
by ReeseRyan
It’s time for the Mid Week Tease, hosted by Sandra Bunino. This week I’m shifting gears and sharing a scene from my debut novel, Making the First Move. Melanie Gordon received a promotion earlier today that will send her back to her hometown of Cleveland (and mine). A move she isn’t emotionally prepared for. She goes out to celebrate with Raine Mason, a casual friend with whom she has an standing “plus one” arrangement. However, when Raine learns that she’s relocating, he confesses that he wants more than just friendship. The two were interrupted at dinner, before they could discuss the situation further, and Melanie is now back at her apartment…alone.
<=====Excerpt of Making the First Move=====>
A knock at the door disturbs my thoughts. For a moment I think I dreamed it. A series of short, rapid knocks assures me the sound is real. We have to buzz guests into our building, so it’s probably Debbie or Dawn. Still, as my mother often reminds me, a single girl living alone can never be too careful. I pick up a slender metal vase. Not because I’m afraid. Because I can’t bear the thought of hearing “I told you so” throughout infinity.
I creep quietly to the door, just in case it is some psycho who’s come here to club me to death. I hold my breath and peek through the peephole.
Oh, shit! It isn’t Debbie or Dawn.
Stepping quickly but quietly to face the mirror hanging next to my front door, I run my fingers through my hair. Going for a look of calculated disorder, I give my head a good shake. Not a good idea after three mojitos.
There’s another round of knocks, this time more urgent. I take a deep breath, unlock the door then slowly turn the knob.
Raine stands there, his hand against the door frame, a perturbed look on his face.
“Hey,” I say nonchalantly, “did we forget something?”
He doesn’t respond. Instead he searches my face as if he expects to find the answer to a question he has yet to ask. It’s only a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity.
I open my mouth to speak. Before a single word can escape he steps forward and presses his warm palms on either side of my face. His warm breath smells of cinnamon. His intense gaze locks with mine. The throbbing pulse that emanates from his thumbs reverberates against my cheekbones.
He leans in closer. My breath quickens and I’m keenly aware of the rise and fall of my chest. Body trembling, I close my eyes and lean in, ever so slightly.
He presses his lips, firm and soft, against mine. I take a deep breath, my lips part slightly. He readily accepts the invitation. His tongue slips inside and glides against mine.
I can barely breathe. His kiss is greedy, intense. It sends a chill down my spine yet sets every nerve in my body ablaze with a consuming fire. I’m overwhelmed by the sensation of heat, the increased sensitivity of my skin and the pulsing ache between my thighs. I break free to catch my breath.
“Lock the door.” My words come out ragged, breathy.
He releases me and locks the door. When he turns around I tug on his sweater, pulling him farther inside my apartment, until I’m backed against the wall.
He smiles then leans in to kiss me again. His lips press firmly on mine. His tongue darts in and out of my mouth as he grinds his hips into me, pinning me to the wall. I can feel his growing erection hard against my inner thigh.
There’s an insatiable hunger in our kisses. The kind that comes from an intense craving for something you want so badly, but don’t believe you can ever really have. Each kiss pulls me in deeper, makes me want him more.
This may be the relationship equivalent of a mirage, but it looks, tastes and feels damned good, and I’m going for it. And I’m going to enjoy every goddamned second of it. Starting now.
I slide my hands underneath his shirt. They glide slowly up the muscular ridges of his abs. My thumbs gently graze his nipples. He sucks in a deep breath in response. I grab hold of the edge of his sweater and shirt and inch them over his head. He pulls them off the rest of the way and tosses them on the floor.
Raine has been hiding more than just washboard abs under that sweater. A tattoo of a large sword with a vine wrapped around it and a vibrant red rose on its elaborate hilt decorates his right arm. A tribal tattoo rings his left bicep. I press my fingertips against the tattoo on the left side of his chest. It’s a bloody heart, pierced by a dagger with a skull handle. There’s a ribbon across it that says Forever. The word is barely visible.
Discovering a darker side to Raine, whose demeanor is more choir boy than badass, is unnerving, yet intriguing. What other secrets lie beneath his cool, calm surface?
My gaze meets his penetrating stare, like a panther sizing up his prey. It unravels me. My knees tremble in response and any concerns about what I’m getting myself into quickly shift to the back of my mind. My only concern, at this moment, is the feel of his hands on my skin.
I lift my blouse over my head and toss it onto a chair. Pulse racing, I guide his hands to the front closure of my red satin bra.
He unhooks it in a single motion and trails kisses down my neck and shoulder as he slides the straps down my arms. The gust of cool air against my hypersensitive nipples only heightens my arousal. He palms my breasts as he continues raining kisses down my body toward nipples already taut, begging for attention.
He swirls his firm tongue around my nipple a few times before flicking it across the sensitive flesh. I let out a long sigh in response.
Moaning softly, I grind my hips against him and twist his hair around my trembling fingers. The space between my thighs grows warmer and wetter. I’m floating in a feeling that is intoxicating and torturous all at the same time. But as good as this feels, I’m ready for more.
I press my hands into his chest, creating a sliver of space between us. Then I grab his hand and lead him to my bedroom.
<=====END OF EXCERPT=====>
What happens on the other side of that door? I hope you’ll come back next week to find out. In the meantime, check out the tasty teases that this week’s authors have in store.
by ReeseRyan
I can hardly believe it. Release day for Making the First Move is finally here! So a little partying is in order. Since Making the First Move is an e-book, it felt entirely appropriate to have the party online. So thank you for coming, and for helping me celebrate the release of my debut novel.
Party central will be on Facebook. Make yourself some hors d’oeuvres and an adult beverage. Coffee, tea, champagne, a mojito, champipple–whatever you like. We won’t tell, and you don’t have to share. That’s what makes online parties so awesome. Then feel free to mingle and chat here, on Facebook, and at as many of today’s party events (listed below) as you’d like. Don’t forget to register for the tour grand prize! You’ll find the description below.
Release Day Party Events
Thank you again for celebrating this very special day with me!
Hugs & Kisses,
Melanie Gordon has spent the past five years obsessing over her career to dull the pain of a devastating breakup and the loss of her father. Her effort pays off when she receives the promotion that could be her big break. Only it means returning to her hometown to face her past while leaving behind the man who could be her future.
Selfless (and insanely sexy) philanthropist, Raine Mason, is committed to his cause. But his passion for rescuing high-risk young males from the road to disaster is fueled by his own dark and tragic past.
When Raine is ready to take his casual friendship with Melanie to sizzling new heights, her one-way ticket to Cleveland is already booked. But a steamy night of passion leaves them both wanting more, even if Melanie is afraid to admit it. She reluctantly agrees to a long-distance relationship with no promises and no commitments.
Melanie may finally be ready to give Raine her heart…but then she discovers startling news that causes her to question everything she knows about him. Worse, he’s harboring a dark secret from his past that threatens to shatter any hope of a future for them unless he can convince her that their love is worth the risk.
I rummage in the back of our tiny office refrigerator for the bottle of Perrier I promised Jax. A wicked grin spreads across my face as I imagine how delicious it would feel to smash this bottle upside his smug head. After the contract had been signed, of course.
I hand Jaxson the chilled bottle of lemon Perrier and smooth my skirt before sitting in my high-back leather chair. I’m glad my chair sits several inches higher than his.
“Thank you for considering Jasper & Gravel for your executive search.” I force a smile through clenched teeth. “As you know, I’m a long-time basketball fan. I’m thrilled that the WNBA has decided to bring another team to Cleveland, and about the prospect of working with your organization.”
Jax takes a sip from the bottle. “Basketball fan is an understatement.” He chuckles. “You still got that tattered old Mark Price jersey your dad gave you?”
My spine tightens. I place my feet firmly on the floor. The last thing I need is a stroll down memory lane. The memories are far too painful. For me, at least. I take a long sip of my tea then place my mug on a coaster. “So you were saying you need a new senior vice president of marketing and a vice president of sales and service.” I refer to the notes I scribbled on a napkin.
Jaxson gives me a conciliatory smile. My maneuver isn’t lost on him. “The candidates I hoped to go with were offered more lucrative positions with NBA teams.” He crosses his legs and scoots back in the chair. He looks comfortable, like he’s settling in for the winter. “I realize this may take some time, but it’s more important to me that we get the best possible candidates in these positions.”
“Of course.” I nod. “Our mission is to find candidates who are well-qualified and fit seamlessly into your organization. It appears Brett Hanson runs his organization like a tight-knit family and that he’s determined to make the Monarchs a title-winning franchise as quickly as possible. How would you describe the company culture?”
“I couldn’t have stated it better.” Jaxson steeples his long, slender fingertips. “Speaking of family…how about you? Are you married? Do you have kids?”
My patience is wearing thin just five minutes into our meeting. “Can we stay on topic here? That’s the only way this will work.”
“I’m sorry.” He straightens his purple and green Ermenegildo Zegna necktie. “It’s just that…the homemade coasters…it’s the kind of thing only a parent would bring to the office.”
“They were a gift from my assistant’s seven-year-old daughter.” I take a deep breath and try to pull it together. This is harder than I imagined, and believe me, I imagined it would be pretty damned hard. “Do you have job descriptions and job requirements for each position?”
“They’re back at the office, along with an entire file of information I should have brought for this meeting. Sorry I’m not better prepared. I didn’t expect to run into you today. It was quite a surprise to see you.” He leans forward in his chair again. “I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Neither did I.” There are a few choice statements I refrain from adding. “But here we are. Perhaps we should reschedule for a time when you have all the necessary documents. I can come to your office next week. I’ll have Leslie call you tomorrow with some options.” I rise to my feet and extend my hand to him, signaling the end of our meeting.
Jaxson casually climbs to his feet and takes my hand. He doesn’t shake it. He holds it in his.
My legs are unsteady and my head feels light. How can the simple touch of his hand still take me back to those intimate moments between us, despite everything we’ve been through? I yank my hand away and take a step back. My cheeks burn and my eyes sting with the tears I refuse to let fall.
Jaxson comes around the desk and sits on the edge of it, leaving a safe distance between us. “I’m sorry,” he says, his head down, hands folded between his legs. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just…seeing you today brought back a lot of memories. It felt so natural, holding your hand like that. It wasn’t something I intended to do. Muscle memory, I guess.” He runs his hand over his hair.
I want to scream to the top of my lungs and tell him I don’t give a fuck about his unresolved feelings or muscle memory. But I’m a goddamned professional. I know what’s at stake here. I have to make this work.
Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides in Central North Carolina with her husband and young adult son who tolerate her propensity to sing and dance badly. A self-proclaimed Bohemian Southern Belle, she treads the line carefully between being a Northerner and a damned Yankee–despite her insistence on calling soda pop. Reese gauges her progress by the number of “bless your lil’ hearts” she gets each week. She is currently down to two.
Visit Reese online at ReeseRyan.com. Follow her on Twitter @ReeseRyanWrites. Connect with her on Facebook.
Making the First Move Blog Tour Grand Prize
by ReeseRyan
As an author of contemporary romance featuring multicultural characters that don’t quite fit into the typical “check here” box, I’m a huge fan of Minx Malone. Recently I had a chance to get the skinny on her current contemporary romance series–The Alexanders–and a chance to ask this hugely successful indie author about the inspiration for her stories and why going indie was right for her. She also gave us a glimpse into what she has planned for the future, and her writing process.
Join me over at the Contemporary Romance Café for an in-depth chat over coffee with indie publishing rock star, M. Malone.