Today’s weather has been especially crazy, even for North Carolina. It was hot. Then raining. Then even hotter. Then raining again. But it turned out to be a great day, just the same.
First, I fell down the rabbit hole in a craft store. I bought way too many goodies in preparation for some giveaways I’ll be making for one of the lucky attendees at our upcoming Hot M.A.M.A. Fly Hat Luncheon on Saturday, July 11th in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Later, my husband and I attended a get-together my community hosted for members of our development. It was fun getting to know some of my neighbors better and finally meeting some of the people I’d only waved at in passing during the year we’ve lived here.
We ended the night with fireworks, courtesy of our town. Luckily, we live within a stones throw of the park where the fireworks were happening. So we got to watch the fireworks inside from a bedroom window while staying nice and dry.
Here’s hoping your Fourth of July weekend is off to a lovely start, regardless of the weather.
Fireworks courtesy of Eustaquio Santimano.