Happy Friday!

Hope the week has been good to you. Mine has been busy, with lots of unexpected monkey wrenches thrown into the works (like leaking radiators). But we’re making it work and finding a way to keep on smiling, despite what’s going on around me. Learning to stay positive even when the walls seem to be falling down around me is a trick I learned a few years ago. So much better than the woe-is-me approach, don’t you think?
I’m also feeling pretty good because today was the 28th day of my 30-day Yoga Challenge. I’m still on board and going strong. Loving it more each day. I’m feeling pretty good about making #YogaEveryDamnDay a habit and saying sayonara to the stop-and-start workout routine I normally follow. Healthy living here I come!
And I’m still on a high from my official initiation into the Hot M.A.M.A.s as a New Flame along with author Di Topaz. The ceremony happened during the Fly Hat Society Meet & Greet at the Greensboro Central Library this past Saturday. (Check out a few of the pictures below.) It was fantastic meeting new readers and the Hot M.A.M.A.s, the majority of whom I hadn’t met in person. The event was barely over before I was already excited for our next event in 2016. Stay tuned for news on where that will be and how you can be part of it by joining my VIP Reader mailing list here.
Speaking of my VIP Readers, it was great to welcome new readers onto the list who signed up at the Hot M.A.M.A event. I held a drawing for a cool journal and a bracelet and earring set. Reader Kay E. was the winner, pictured below in her absolutely fabulous fly hat.
If you weren’t able to join us at the live event, no worries. You can still enter to win a similar journal and a different handcrafted bracelet and earring set. Just join the list and complete the form below. For additional daily entries, be sure to share the love by spreading the news of the contest.
Good luck!