I love Some E-cards because of the true, but snarky insight into the world, especially when it comes to social media. My own biggest social media fail? The space-time vortex of Facebook, Twitter, etc known as The Timesuck.(Dun dun duhhhhhhhhhhn)
Last year I’m pretty sure I wrote more words on social media than I did on my WIPs. Woops.
But I had to build my platform, right? Ugh. How to combine writing and being on social media…
Coffee Breaks.
Yep, you read that right. The key to getting both done was – no, not more caffeine, but taking ten to fifteen minute breaks in my writing flurry to let my brain have a break and get my online socializing done at the same time.
Here’s what I came up with.
The Coffee Break Mentality

1. Pick one social media site and be really good at it. Only after you’re comfortable using that one (and doing it well, not being a spammer) pick a couple more to pop onto every once in a while.
2. Take Social Media Coffee Breaks. When you sit down to write, it’s a good idea to take a brain break, get up from your desk, grab a drink and stretch at least once an hour. When you do that take a few minutes of your break to check in on your favorite social media platform. Say hi to a few people, post a funny Some e-card and by the time you’ve finished your coffee (or Mountain Dew or Earl Grey) you’ve done a great job on social media and it’s time to get back to writing.
3. Focus by having a plan. It’s so easy to scroll through your Facebook newsfeed, stare at Twitter or lollygag at all the pretty pictures on Pinterest for hours. Well, you’re going to whittle that down to fifteen minutes (set a timer if you have to) but what can you do in those fifteen minutes that will be effective interactions?
You need a plan. I recommend the power of three.
3 scrolls. Whichever social media site you’re on, you probably have to scroll down a couple times to see what’s going on with your people. Limit that to three times and you won’t get sucked too far in.
Comment on three people’s posts. Remember, social media is all about being social. Talk to someone!
Make three friends. Follow or friend three new people. Don’t ask them to check out your website, Facebook page or book, just say hi. Take a genuine interest in them, Don’t be a spammer.
Don’t be a Some E-card meme. If you’re wasting time on social media try my Coffee Break Mentality. Start with those three ideas and if you want more, check out The Coffee Break Guide to Social Media for Writers: How To Be Successful on Social Media and Still Have Time toWrite.
Do you have questions about how to be successful on social media? Ask them here! One lucky commenter will win a copy of the book and one hour of social media consulting with me!
Meet Amy Denim
Amy Denim writes business books for writers and contemporary romance. She loves hot heroes (like chefs and cowboys) and curvy intelligent heroines (like chefs and cowgirls.)
She’s been a franchise sales coordinator, a lifeguard, a personal shopper, and a teacher of English as a Foreign Language. But now she spends her days reading and writing at her local library or in her book cave.
Amy started out her writer’s life scared out of her wits because she didn’t have a business plan, hadn’t yet created an online platform, wasn’t on Twitter, didn’t have a Facebook fanpage and had never even heard of Goodreads. She just wrote books. So she spent a year becoming a publishing industry information fiend and now does consulting for creatives on how to use take control of their writing careers. She started Coffee Break Social Media to help writers and artists learn to use SM platforms effectively (without the scare tactics) but still have time to create. She believes business plans and social media can be every writer’s friend, sometimes they just need an introduction.
Visit Amy on her author website at www.AmyDenim.com or for tips and tricks on the writing business at www.coffeebreaksocialmedia.com.