It’s been a busy week, my friends. All week (Okay, the last two days) I’ve been on the countdown getting ready for the Hot M.A.M.A.s Fly Hat Society Meet & Greet tomorrow in Greensboro, North Carolina.
I’ve been picking out an outfit, handcrafting jewelry and picking up a few other goodies for tomorrow’s giveaways. Most importantly, I was forced to buy a hat. Not just any hat, my friends. A big ass hat. The kind of hat that, under normal circumstances, this girl usually would never buy.
Not because I don’t like them. I admire the lovely hats worn by ladies attending the Kentucky Derby. And I acknowledge that women like the fantabulous Jeffe Kennedy and J-Lo (yep, still calling her that) look damned good in a big hat. But, to me, a big hat says, ‘Hey look at me. Aren’t I fabulous?’ Which works well when you are. (See Jeffe Kennedy and J-Lo.) I, on the other hand, typically prefer to go the you-didn’t-see-me-in-my-yoga-pants-and-I-didn’t-see-you route. So tomorrow’s occasion calls for me to step outside of my norm and go for it.
And I will. Really.
I dialed back the SUPER big hat. (Seriously, I couldn’t see in front of my face to walk. I may have stepped on a curious toddler.) I picked something that embodies the big hat spirit, but will allow me to see my feet when I walk. If not, I’ll have bruised shins, but damn I’ll look good.
Speaking of looking good and venturing outside my norm…I’ve been known to hop onto a workout craze (complete with the expensive DVDs) only to fall off the wagon a few weeks later. So when I came across a 30 Day Yoga Challenge I was determined to take on the challenge and ride it out to the very end. Today makes 21 days of yoga officially in the books. Just nine more days to go.
I feel fitter and stronger in body and mind. So I have no plans to give up my daily practice once the challenge ends. That means I have nine days to create a plan to keep going with the #YogaEveryDamnDay movement.
In an earlier post, I mentioned that staying with the challenge prompted me to commit to blogging here each Friday. The yoga challenge prompted me to add another good habit. Sending out a regular newsletter to readers. Ideally, the first Friday of each month. So far I’m on track with all three challenges.
Let’s hope I add a few more good habits before it’s over, like writing every damn day.
In the meantime, here’s to bigger hats and smaller butts. Or whatever it is that your heart desires.
PS: If you can’t make the #FlyHatEvent, you can still win prizes. Enter below to win a cool journal and a bracelet and earring set handcrafted by moi.