Happy Wednesday, gang! You survived the roughest part of the week. Things should get easier from here. Just in case you could use a little something extra to get you through the day (sorry I can’t refill the liquor flask you keep in your purse), we’ve got just the thing: the Mid Week Tease, hosted by the fabulous Sandra Bunino.
The Mid Week Tease is a fun, multi-author event that gives you, dear reader, the opportunity to sample a morsel of our novels and novellas. My tease this week is from Love Me Not. In this scene my heroine, Jamie Charles, first meets the delectable Miles Copeland. Only Jamie isn’t quite as taken with Miles as he is with her…
“Rough night, huh?”
Jamie looked at the man who’d taken a seat at the bar. He wasn’t one of the usuals. She’d never seen him before. But he was the type. Tahlia’s wasn’t a dive bar, like the ones she’d worked at in the past. It was an upscale bar and grille that catered to affluent tastemakers. In fact, the only reason they’d given her a shot, with her jet-black hair, penchant for black leather, tattooed arms and nose piercing was because Tahlia Vega was a friend of a friend of Ellie’s. She’d landed the job because she was good.
The man flashing his brilliant white teeth at her definitely fit the bill. Ridiculously gorgeous—like every line of his face had been precisely chiseled from stone by Michelangelo himself. A nose befitting a Greek god. A faint moustache was perched above his upper lip and a barely there beard crawled its way along a jawline with just enough of a pleasing curve to prevent it from being described as square. His hair—a sandy brown just a shade or two shy of venturing into blondiewood—was slicked down on the sides, with the top longer in a fairly conservative faux hawk. But those eyes…they were the color of pristine Caribbean waters. So blue they made a girl want to get naked and go for a swim in them. He was wearing a navy linen blazer with a crisp white shirt beneath it. The large face of the stainless steel TAG Heuer on his wrist nearly matched the color of those eyes.
Rich, gorgeous and probably spoiled. The only thing missing was the rail-thin model-type hanging on his arm. He was definitely the Tahlia’s type. He just wasn’t hers.
“Everything’s great,” she said to him. “I was just thinking about…I was making sure we had enough lemons, that’s all. Can I get you something?”
“You take your citrus inventory very seriously, I see.” An animated smile spread across his handsome face, and his eyes flickered with amusement as they followed her movement. “Well, I for one appreciate your dedication.”
She bit her lip and wiped the counter with a rag. If she’d still been working at Chuck’s Biker Bar, she’d have told this guy to go fuck himself. But at Tahlia’s, the customers were far more delicate. They didn’t appreciate being cursed out by the help. “If I can get you anything, let me know.” She turned to walk away.
“Wait. Actually, I would like something. I’d love a Satan’s Whiskers. It’s—”
“One ounce gin, one ounce orange juice, half an ounce of dry vermouth, sweet vermouth and Grand Marnier, a dash of bitters and a twist of orange peel. Or would you prefer it curled rather than straight?” Teeth clenched, she pressed her lips into a hard smile. Maybe she didn’t look like the dainty little bartenders he was used to, but she knew her shit.
“I apologize.” He ran his hands through his spiked crown, giving his hair a tousled, just-tumbled-out-of-bed-and-I-wasn’t-alone look. “I didn’t mean to imply that—”
“Forget it. Anything else?”
“You guys serve food, too, right?”
“Absolutely, would you care for a table? I can—”
“Actually, I’d like to eat right here at the bar, if that’s okay—” he leaned in closer and squinted at her name tag, “—Jamie. I think I’d prefer your company to eating alone.”
Don’t do me any favors, buddy. She surveyed the man, struck by how his blue eyes danced when he smiled at her. Her knees wobbled slightly. She was glad he couldn’t see them.
“If that’s what you’d like.” She reached behind her and handed him a bar menu. “Just let me know when you’re ready. Would you like your drink now or with your meal?”
“With my meal, please. Until then, how about a glass of water? I’ll take it with one of those lemons.” His devilish smile widened.
Was he making fun of her, or just trying to piss her off? If it was the latter, it was working. “Coming right up.” She forced the words through a smile so fake it’d give Barbie a run for her money. She grabbed a glass, dumped in a scoop of ice, filled it with water then put a lemon on the side. “Here you go. Just call me when you’re ready.”
“Sure thing.” He pulled out his phone. “But I’ll need your number first.”
The overwhelming desire to punch the dude in the face subsided the moment she saw that big, stupid grin. He was a harmless flirt. She could deal with that, no problem. “Ha-ha.” Her face remained expressionless as she tucked the rag into her apron.
He laughed. “Okay, that was pretty corny. I apologize. I’m usually far more clever than this, but today…I got nothing.”
“Rough day, huh?” She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Touché. And yes, it has been a challenging day.” Lifting his chin slightly, he stroked his beard, regarding her with amusement. “But things are beginning to look up.”
Thanks for reading this week’s tease and allowing me to introduce you to Jamie and Miles. Want to take a peek at more steamy stories? Check out teases being offered by the fabulous authors listed below:
I loved it. Great tension–fighting the attraction.
Thanks, Susanne!
Not quite sue why she has a ‘pissy’ attitude except for the fact that he is rich. She works in a bar and most men who come there unattached flirt. I guess she’d having a bad day too. Anyway, I’m glad he’s managing to get her to take notice of other aspects of him.
She’s having a horrible day. In the previous scene she was ambushed by her birth mother who she hasn’t seen in more than sixteen years and it’s dredged up all of the pain and insecurities from her very unhappy childhood.
Quite a feisty heroine, I like it.
Thanks, Doris. Jamie is definitely a handful.
Great tease, I feel as if I want to know more about your heroine and what comes next
Thanks, Elodie!
Some great stuff going on here with this tease!
Thank you, London!
“You take your citrus inventory very seriously, I see.” Oh, how I love a man with a sense of humor. Great tease, Reese!
Thanks, Nicola. I love a man with a sense of humor, too. It was really fun creating Miles’s character.
I love the imagery of taking a swim in his deep blue eyes. I’m a sucker for blue eyes and Jamie is hooked to the ‘colour of pristine Carribean waters’. Miles is a charming flirting. She doesn’t stand a chance! Cheeky teaser, Reese!
Thanks so much, Stella!
You definitely left me wanting more. I want to know more about both of them! Great tease.
Thanks, S.J.!