Over the past few months of the #WeNeedDiverseRomance campaign I’ve been getting to know multicultural authors that were new to me. During that time I’ve come to the realization that in reality, this campaign isn’t just about blazing a path for new authors of color. There are plenty out there right now that we don’t know about. So periodically I’ll be sharing an interview with authors of all colors. However, I will focus on getting to know authors of color and spotlighting their work.
My decision to add this feature was prompted by an invitation to participate in the promo for Elle Wright’s new release, The Forbidden Man. So it’s fitting that we begin this feature with an introduction to her.
Elle, welcome and thank you for inviting me to help get the word out about your exciting, new Edge of Scandal series. For readers who are new to you, tell us three things we should know about Elle Wright.
- I love music. Prior to starting any book, I browse my music library and make a playlist, kind of like a soundtrack for the novel. I feel like it helps me reach my characters. Each character has a theme song and I use it for character motivation.
- Fun fact: I am a total Barbie girl—in my own Barbie world. When I was a kid, I used to sit in my room for hours making up stories for my dolls. And they weren’t just your average Barbie meets Ken type of story. Barbie was the star of her own soap opera. When I moved out of my mother’s home, my dolls went with me. I’m a total geek like that. I just can’t bear to part with them.
- Most of my story ideas come from weird real life situations or questions posed by friends or acquaintances (ie. What would happen if a woman was torn between two brothers?)
I love the premise of FORBIDDEN MAN. It’s filled with drama and high-stakes conflict. Tell us a little about the story.
The Forbidden Man is the story of a woman (Sydney) who finds out that her fiancé cheated on her while she’s getting fitted for her wedding dress. Devastated, she calls off the wedding and proceeds to get smashed. Enter Morgan, her fiancé’s brother and one of her closest friends.
Initially, Morgan just wants Syd to be okay so he helps her. He offers her a safe haven, away from his brother. Eventually, they cross a line and they can’t turn back.
How would you describe your heroine, Sydney Williams? And your hero, Morgan Smith?
Sydney is an intelligent, ambitious woman. In business, she knows what she wants. She thought she knew what she wanted in her personal life, too. Unfortunately, she ends up being hurt in the process. One of the things I like about Sydney is she’s a planner (like me). She has mapped out her life and when Caden cheats on her, everything screeches to a halt. It’s interesting seeing her try to plan her way out of the situation she finds herself in because there are no rules. And she hates to hurt or disappoint the people that she loves. She’s terrified of losing her core group of friends/family. She’s a protector—loyal, dependable. And she’s done something that is not good in her eyes. At the same time she can’t stop herself. She’s human, flawed. But she’s a survivor and she has the scars to prove it.
Morgan is fine. Ha! Just kidding. Well, he is fine. But what I like about Morgan is he’s real, doesn’t hold punches. He had a horrible childhood, but rose above his circumstances. He’s determined, trustworthy (normally), and generous. But he’s very guarded and stubborn. His biological father was a criminal so he works hard to never be like him. Morgan is a caregiver, just like Syd. He’s practically turned his life upside down to take care of his older brother and has grown tired of it.
Writing is so personal. As writers, we put our heart and soul into every scene. But is there one scene you are especially fond or proud of? Give us a brief highlight of the scene.
There are so many parts that I love because I adore the characters. Sometimes when I read the book or a random scene, I think… WOW, I did that. But there is one scene that I really love. Morgan and Syd have realized there is more building between them. Syd puts the brakes on it and asks Morgan to take her to a hotel. On the way, they hit a patch of ice and end up stranded on the side of the road. At first, they are cool and talking like the friends they always were. But eventually, things take a turn and they have their very first encounter. It completely takes them by surprise which was fun to write.
What can we expect next in the Edge of Scandal series?
The Edge of Scandal series explores the lives of the group of friends introduced in The Forbidden Man. I’m probably biased, but I love these characters. And they are ride or die for each other, which is awesome.
HIS ALL NIGHT (November 24)
Did I mention Sydney has a twin brother? Well, book two is all about Jared and Sydney’s best friend, Cali. Jared is in love (or falling in love) with Cali, but she is not trying to change their current awesome-sex-but-please-no-commitment relationship. Even if Cali does love him, she’d never tell him. Can Jared convince her to let go and take a chance on him?
HER KIND OF MAN (Spring 2016)
Engaged to a prominent preacher, Allina is the envy of Cleveland. But instead of walking down the aisle, she walks out the door and runs back home to Michigan. Instead of seeking solace with her friend, Sydney, she ends up on Kent’s doorstep. One look is all it takes for Kent to know two things: his attraction to Allina is stronger than ever—and there is more to her story than she’s telling him…
Thank you so much to Elle for stopping by today! To learn more about Elle and the Edge of Scandal series, check out the summary and buy links below. Then don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter contest for your chance to win a copy.
THE FORBIDDEN MAN by Elle Wright (July 28, 2015; Forever Mass Market; The Edge of Scandal #1)
In Love With the Wrong Man
Sydney Williams has forgiven her fiancé, Den, more times than she can count. But his latest betrayal just days before their wedding is too big to ignore. Shocking her friends and family, she calls off the engagement. She walks out on Den . . . and into the arms of his brother, Morgan.
Known as a player, Morgan Smith has secretly spent years fighting his feelings for Sydney. When Den’s latest dirty deed leaves Sydney devastated, Morgan can’t stop himself from coming to her rescue. What begins as friendship quickly escalates into all-consuming passion. Despite their intense connection, Sydney would rather deny her desire than come between brothers. But as Morgan is determined to make Sydney his, Den won’t give her up without a fight . . .
Buy the book!
About the author:
Born and raised in Southeast Michigan near Ann Arbor, Elle learned the importance of reading from her mother. It was also her mother who, later on in her life, gave Elle her first romance novel: Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. From that moment on, Elle became a fan of Ms. Jenkins for life and a lover of all things romance. An old journal she wrote back in college became her first book (which she still wants to publish one day).
Connect with Elle on Social Media:
Thanks for having me on, Reese! I’m thrilled to be the first author of your #WeNeedDiverseRomanceSeries!
Thank you for inspiring me to do this. I’m excited about getting to know more authors in our community. Happy release day and best wishes on your new release.
It’s been such an awesome experience!