The video of this amazing little basketball prodigy, Titus, completely blew my mind. First I wondered if this was a series of camera tricks. When I realized it wasn’t, I wanted to scout this kid for my hometown Cleveland Cavaliers.
Titus is adorable, but he also reminds me of four important ingredients to success. Determination. Passion. Fun. The Right Team.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines determination as, “Firm of fixed intention to achieve a desired end.” There’s no doubt that Titus is determined to reach his goal. This determination drives him forward. There’s no way the kid makes these crazy good shots without the hours of practice–which we don’t see— where the ball just won’t go in the basket. It’s on those days our determination to achieve our goals carries us through.
It’s not hard to spot the difference between an athlete that’s just dialing it in or working for a paycheck versus one who is fired up, completely consumed by her passion for her sport. We see this same difference in people we meet throughout our day–from the barista that made our double tall latte this morning to our doctor or child’s teacher. Having that same passion in our work and allowing it to fuel us on both good days and bad results in an end product that we can be proud of, and that end users–like readers–will truly enjoy.
It’s pretty obvious that little Titus is getting a kick of shooting the basket. We don’t see stage parents dragging the kid somewhere he doesn’t want to go, or threatening him if he doesn’t try one more time. Rather, we see the pure fun he’s having. He loves what he’s doing and he’s having a ball.
If we’re not careful, even our dream job can become a chore (ask any writer). So making it fun, and keeping it fun contributes to a better overall experience, and again has an impact on our final output.
The Right Team
Little Titus loves playing basketball, and his parents and siblings cheer him on fervently, and happily assist in doing what they can to help him get better. We don’t see his parents complaining because he wants to throw the ball one more time, or his siblings sulking in the corner because Titus is in the spotlight…yet again. Instead, they are there supporting him time and again, and show genuine elation each time he makes another basket.
Having the right people around us makes all the difference as we forge toward our goals. There will be some people in our lives who will always point out the negative or respond to good news with a telling “Hmm…” Distancing ourselves from those people physically isn’t always an option, however we can learn to minimize the impact we allow them to have in our lives and on our psyche. More importantly, we must find people who are supportive of our dreams and gravitate toward them.
Sometimes the right team is built piece by piece. The right coach here. The right trainer there. Then sometimes we’re lucky enough to find an entire group of supportive people–like the right critique group or writers’ association. When we find supportive people who are a joy to be around, and who want to see us achieve our goals as much as we want to see them achieve theirs things don’t get much better than that.
What goals are you determined to reach? What are you most passionate about? How have you built the right team?
Photo above captured from video below.
I just read another passage this morning that spoke about distancing ourselves from people who, for whatever reason, can’t or aren’t supporting and encouraging our visions and goals. Thank you for being one of those people who IS a support and encouragement to me.