It’s time for the Mid Week Tease, hosted by Sandra Bunino. Each week I look forward to sampling excerpts from fellow authors in a variety of genres. I can’t wait to see what everyone has in store this week. So, without further ado, let the teasing begin!
After Miles kissed Jamie, he discovered that the restaurant where she works has a hard, fast rule about employees not dating customers. Several weeks have passed and Miles hasn’t come into the restaurant. Despite trying to convince herself otherwise, Jamie’s friend Lisa discovered that Jamie has a serious case of Miles on the brain. This week, Miles returns with a challenge for Jamie, but is she willing to break her “no relationships” rule and put her heart at risk?
Miles slowly approached Jamie in the parking lot. Her coworker, Lisa, saw him first. He raised a finger to his lips. She nodded imperceptibly, hardly able to contain a grin.
“Jamie,” he said when he was just a few feet behind her.
She spun around, putting her hand to her chest. “Miles? My God, what is it with you and creeping up on people at three in the morning?”
“I needed to talk to you.” He took a step back, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
She said good night to Lisa then leaned against the door of her idling truck, arms folded tightly across her chest. Jamie angled her head, a frown tugging at the corner of those dark, pouty lips. Her intense stare demanded an explanation. “You know where I work. Why didn’t you just come to the bar?”
“Why?” The edge of Mile’s mouth turned up slightly as he inched closer. “Did you miss me?”
“I just noticed you weren’t there. That’s all,” she said. “After all, you were here at least three times a week for months, but then you kiss me and I don’t see you again for—”
“Six weeks.” His voice was softer and lower as he stepped closer to her. “And I haven’t been able to think about anything but that kiss since then.”
Head tilted slightly, her eyes studied his. “Really?”
He nodded, smiling. “Really.”
“That night, when I told you we couldn’t see each other…you disappeared without saying goodbye. So why are you back now? The rule hasn’t changed.”
“Our situation has.”
“What do you mean?” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I still work here and you’re still—”
“A customer? Not anymore. I haven’t been here for more than a month, and I won’t walk through those doors again. That means I’m no longer a customer. I’m just a man who is absolutely crazy about you. Crazy enough to sacrifice the best pork chops I’ve eaten in years.” His smile widened. “That’s gotta mean something, right?”
Lips pressed into a faint grimace, Jamie blinked twice and tugged at her ear lobe. “I’m flattered that you like me, and I’m obviously attracted to you, but I’m not the kind of girl you wanna get mixed up with. Trust me.”
“Why not? Because your life isn’t neat and perfect? No one’s is.”
“You have no idea who I really am. I know you think I’m nice or that you like me or whatever, but the girl you like is the barmaid who has to be nice to you because you’re a customer. Do you have any clue how many times I would’ve cussed you out if I hadn’t been working behind that bar?”
“I’m not a nice person, Miles. I’m a complete bitch. A guy like you? I’d chew you up and spit you out before you had the slightest idea what hit you. So do us both a favor. Just walk away. There’s nothing to see here. Nothing you’d want if you experienced the real me, up close and personal. So let’s save ourselves some aggravation, okay?” She turned and pulled on the door handle. It didn’t budge.
Miles placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know you’re scared, but I’m not going to hurt you. I care very much for you.” She trembled slightly but didn’t respond. Wouldn’t even turn around. “Say something. Please. Anything.”
She turned around, ripping his hand from her shoulder. “Men always promise that, but it’s not true. They all hurt you. And the truth is, I’m going to hurt you, too. Even if I don’t want to. Because that’s who I am. That’s the person I’ve always been. That’s the only person I’ll ever be. And I don’t want to hurt you. So trust me when I tell you, this isn’t what you want. I’m not who you want.”
He gripped her arms firmly. She looked away, but he lifted her chin with one hand. He needed to look in her eyes, needed her to believe every goddamn word he was about to say—because it was the absolute truth. “I’m not your father. I’m not like the guys your mom dated. I’m not any of the guys from your past. I’m the man you’ve gotten to know right there in that bar. The man who gets a kick out of making you laugh because it’s one of the most scintillating sounds I’ve ever heard. The man who sees how beautiful and brilliant you are. Who sees the person even you don’t see. You say I don’t know the real you, that I could never care about you the way I do if I did. Then prove it. Let me in. Open the door a crack, just enough for me to get a foot in.” He tried to put her at ease with a reassuring smile. “I won’t hurt you, Jamie. I promise.”
Her steely gaze softened and he could see tears welling in them. She bit her lip as tears slid down her cheeks. Miles pulled Jamie into him, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest.
This wasn’t the way he’d envisioned their reunion, but it was exactly what she needed. He squeezed her against his body and kissed the top of her head, inhaling her scent—lemongrass maybe. Suddenly she sniffled and took a step backward as she wiped her face with the back of her hand.
“I’m sorry. I can’t believe I just blubbered all over you like that. God, I’m so embarrassed right now.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “I want you to be able to talk to me. About anything. That’s what friends are for, right?” He nudged her arm with his elbow.
“I guess.” She laughed then sniffled again. She took a step toward him, closing the gap between them again. “But if after that disgusting, snot-filled display you’re still interested, I accept your challenge.”
He looked down at her. Even with a tear-streaked face and reddened cheeks, she was still gorgeous in the moonlight.
Looks like Miles’ persistence is finally paying off. But the stakes in their little game have changed. For Miles, this isn’t just about sex, or even just having a little fun, anymore. He wants much more. In two weeks we’ll discover that he’ll do (or not do) whatever it takes to get Jamie on the same page.
Now, it’s time to sample the goodies all of our other teasers have in store. Just follow the links below:
Great tease, and I love that cover!
Thanks, Lucy!
Oh Reese, your Miles is so romantic. I loved in the beginning when he immediately spit out that it had been six weeks. I really felt his longing and urgency when he did that. Great tease!
Thanks, Carlene. I’m so glad that comes through in this scene.
Yay! I knew it!!!!!
I love this ~> “I’m just a man who is absolutely crazy about you. Crazy enough to sacrifice the best pork chops I’ve eaten in years.”
Ha – just like a man to bring food into it!
I’m in love with this story. <3
Thanks for teasing, Reese!
LOL. Thanks so much, Sandra! And thank you for hosting this great event each week. It’s been fun to participate, and I’ve discovered so many great stories and authors.
Loved this! Great job, Reese.
Thanks, London!
Oh, I think I’m in love with him. I love a man who is not afraid to put his feelings out there. Fabulous teaser. I’ve got to read this book now.
Thanks, Kiru! So glad to have you back. We missed you!
Oh that Miles. He is just too yummy. Loving these teasers, Reese
Thanks, Doris. I adore Miles. Too bad we can’t turn him into a “real boy”. Where is Jiminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy when you need them?
Such a romantic tease and great cover
Thanks so much, Elodie!
Any man who is willing to sacrifice the best pork chops he’s eaten in years for love is definitely a winner in my book! (‘Cause I sure couldn’t make that sacrifice…) Great teaser and cover, Reese!
Thanks, Quanie! LOL. I’m with you. That makes him a keeper in my book, too.