Welcome, Kiru! Where are you from originally and where do you call home?
Thank you, Reese. It’s good to be here. I was born and spent most of my childhood in Nigeria. But these days I live in a small town just outside London, United Kingdom with my husband and kids.
We know you love writing. What other hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
I love reading. You only have to check out the number of eBooks on my eReaders (over 1500 at the last count) plus all the paperbacks in shelves and boxes. BTW my husband has banned me from buying any more paperbacks. We are running out of physical storage space. LOL. I also love travelling and visiting friends/family.
What are three things people might be surprised to learn about you?
I’m usually the quiet, sensible one. But when I want something I can be very determined and passionate about making it happen. I am a creature ruled by my senses most of the time. For me, seeing is believing.
What kind of stories do you typically write? Do you write in any other genres?
I write romance stories filled with passion, sensuality and suspense. So far I’ve written historical, contemporary as well as paranormal romances. Most of my stories are set in Africa and/or have African characters.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how’d you get started in your writing career?
As a child I used to write stories but I didn’t aspire to be an author until a few years ago. I had realized that there weren’t romance books about Africans like me out there. So I decided to write them.
Setting is a critical component to your stories. Why is it so important to you to tell sensuous, exotic tales that give readers a glimpse into a different, more vibrant Africa than they might expect?
This question made me smile because it’s at the centre of why I write.
I know a lot of contemporary Africans whether living on the continent or abroad who are tired of media Africa (the war-torn, starving, sickly and fraudulent Africa).
I know I shout at the TV screen sometimes when the news comes on and the only thing I see are negative news from Africa.
So I ask, what about the Africa I know? What about the contemporary Africa filled with determined entrepreneurs that are over-achieving despite the challenges? What about the Africa filled with young people who are online changing their futures and governments via social media and mobile phones? What about the Africa rich in culture, heritage and history? What about Africa the birth place of modern man?
That’s the Africa I know and write about.
Give us a brief listing of the books you’ve written.
My current published titles include:
Historical romance
- His Treasure (Men of Valor series)
- His Strength (Men of Valor series)
- His Princess (Men of Valor series)
- Her Protector (Men of Valor series)
Contemporary romance
- A Valentine Challenge (Challenge series)
- An Engagement Challenge (Challenge series)
- Island Bound
Paranormal romance
Unbound (The Enforcers – Blood Bar Chronicles Anthology)
Erotic fiction
- Scars (Passion Shields series. #1) – coming August 2013
- Sex Tape (7 Sinful Secrets Anthology) – coming August 2013
Tell us a little about Island Bound.
Island Bound is a sensual, contemporary romance novella, set in Brass Island, Nigeria. It’s the story of Christy and Joshua who are on the verge of a marriage breakdown and how they get their second chance at a life together. It is published by Decadent Publishing for their new African Romance – Ubuntu line.
What inspired you to write about a married couple experiencing difficulties? What were the challenges of writing about an already married couple?
When we’re young, we assume that once we meet the man/woman of our dreams and get married, we will live happily ever after. Well, that’s what the romance books tell us. The truth is the marriage involves continuous work and commitment to keep it fresh and interesting.
Sometimes the simplest thing like a misunderstanding between a married couple can lead to resentment and breakdown if not dealt with early on.
I wanted to write a story about what happens when a couple take their eyes of the ball and stop working at their relationship consciously.
What can we expect from Kiru Taye in the future?
I recently signed a 3-book deal with Decadent Publishing for a contemporary romance series titled The Essien Trilogy set mainly in Nigeria. If you enjoy category romance, then you’ll love this series. The stories are full of secrets, scandals and of course romance. The first book is out in Spring/Summer 2014.
You can sign up to receive emails via my blog for news on upcoming releases or visit my website.
Book Summary:
When Christy Inemi-Spiff discovers that the man she vowed to love and honor has no such feelings for her, she’s determined to cut her losses and move on with her life. A quick, quiet divorce is all she wishes for Christmas.
However, Joshua has other ideas. He’s not ready to walk away yet, especially when he doesn’t understand why Christy wants out of their marriage. So he demands she agree to spend a quiet Christmas on a remote African Island with him, hoping they can salvage their relationship. If she still wants a divorce after these two weeks, he will let her go. But not before he’s had his fill of her.
But with the sparking tension between them, and the secrets behind the disintegration of their marriage threatening to explode, will either of them get their wish? Or will this season of good will show them what really lies at the bottom of their hearts?
A lover of books, as a teenager Kiru Taye used to read novels under the blanket during lights-outs in boarding school. These days, with a young family to take care of, she’s still sacrificing sleep for the pleasures of a good book.
During the day though, she transforms her wildly vivid imagination into sensual, atmospheric romance stories with passionate characters.
When she’s not writing or reading, she’d hanging out with family and friends or travelling. Born in Nigeria, she currently lives in the UK with husband and children.
Connect with Kiru Taye online:
You reach her via Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Purchase Island Bound:
Amazon US | Amazon UK| Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Decadent Publishing | All Romance eBooks | Smashwords
Kiru, I really like that your story explores a married couple’s trials and tribulations. I agree that marriage is not just the happily-ever-after, but more so, complex building blocks that both people have to work at together in order for the relationship to thrive.
I can’t wait to check out your work.
Thank you, Reese, for introducing Kiru!
Hey Mel! Thanks so much, for your comment. I really like that Kiru explores the realities of life after ‘I do.’ I’m looking forward to reading it, as well.
Thank you, Mel. I’m glad you like the premise. I enjoy exploring the dynamics of existing relationships in my romance stories.
Thank you for hosting me, Reese.