I know what you’re thinking. That’s one of those lame pieces of advice well-meaning friends trot out when we’re bitching and moaning about how hard life is, or why we’ll never obtain some goal. A career change. The ideal relationship. Going back to school.
Our friends mean well, but the truth is, for a moment, even if it’s the tiniest moment, we just want to smack them. To make them understand why our case is the exception to the rule.
But there’s a reason these lameisms continue to rear their unwelcome heads. It’s because they’re true. Plain and simple.
This particular thought–that even the longest journey begins with a single step–came to me while on a journey of my own.
It was sunny and warm, more than 75° in the middle of winter, here in North Carolina.
I set this space up months ago, and I’ve been meaning to post something here for just as long. But every time I intended to post, something else would come up. I’d be overwhelmed with work, or school, or writing my next book. Or maybe the thought of sharing my intimate thoughts and feelings with you was a bit intimidating.
Whatever the real reason, my delay caused me to miss sharing with you all of the wonderful moments I’ve experienced as part of this journey to publication thus far. But no more.
I committed to not only starting the blog, but revealing those earlier experiences.
Is there something you’ve been meaning to do, but just haven’t gotten around to it? What is holding you back?
Photo: All rights reserved by Walt K.
I seriously have to get back to the gym. I haven’t been since November and I really don’t have an excuse. I just hate going but I do enjoy the feeling afterwards though. Weird, huh? I just wish the effects were instantaneous. LOL!