Right about now you’re probably crashing from the sugar high you got after raiding the kiddies’ Trick or Treat stash (or maybe from ingesting the clearance candy, or is that just me?). No worries, we’ve got something that will perk you back up, calorie-free. It’s time for the Mid Week Tease, hosted by Sandra Bunino.
Last week Jamie and Miles finally made love. While Miles is down in the kitchen, dreamily preparing a late night snack, the reality of Jamie’s growing feelings for Miles has caused ugly memories from her past to resurface, reminding her of how dangerous it can be to let someone too close. Miles is eager to wake up with Jamie in his bed. She, on the other hand, feels the need for some space and has offered to take a cab home.
<===Love Me Not Excerpt===>
“I’m not going to let you take a cab home.” He tried to prevent his disappointment and frustration from seeping into his voice but was doing a terrible job. “If you want to leave now, of course I’ll take you. But first, answer one question for me honestly.”
He could feel her back tense under his fingers, but she nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
“That last time we…well, it was incredible, and I felt like we really…I don’t know, connected. I know you felt it, too, because you’ve sort of been pulling away ever since then. So is this really about your overnight rule, or are you just trying to put some space between us?”
Her eyes widened and met his for a moment. She looked away quickly and pressed her flattened palms into his chest, pushing away from him. “I just need to go home, okay?” She folded her arms and turned her back to him. “Don’t try to make this about something else.”
He gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Her muscles were tense beneath his fingers. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Then that’s all it is. I’ll go and get dressed.”
She nodded, exhaling. “Thank you.”
“You must be hungry though. I’m starving. What if we have a bite to eat first?”
She took a seat on one of the bar stools and plucked a red grape and a square of cheese from the tray he’d been making. “I am kind of hungry. Hey, is that Gruyere? I love Gruyere.” She popped the cheese and fruit in her mouth and chewed. “Mmm…good.”
Miles smiled. Mmm…good. He’d been thinking the same thing when he’d had his first taste of her. He resumed slicing cheese, unable to avert his gaze from her as she opened her mouth and took a bite of one of the immense strawberries, followed by a piece of Havarti.
Did she have any idea how tantalizing she looked right now? He should be completely sated after the marathon lovemaking session they’d had in the previous hours, but he had a desperate need to take her again, right here on the counter. He groaned inwardly. He’d promised her that he’d take her home after they ate, and he would. But he didn’t have to like it.
He sliced another piece of Gruyere and extended it to her. The wily twinkle in her lovely green eyes made his heart skip a beat. She leaned forward and took the morsel from his fingers, nicking them a little with her teeth.
She walked around the island and wrapped her arms around his waist as she brushed her lips along the skin of his back, leaving nerves tingling in the wake of kisses that felt like zings of electricity. “You’ve got good taste in cheese. I like that in a man.”
Miles turned to face her, pulling her into him, his length pressed against her belly.
She was enjoying this. Seemed to revel in the power she had over his anatomy. A tight smile curled one corner of her mouth, and he had to delve his tongue between those luscious lips that teased him, daring him to have a taste.
“I should’ve known you only wanted me for my cheese.” He gently bit her earlobe.
She giggled. “And I thought I’d been so clever about it.”
His hand trailed down the braid, tugging her head back gently so her eyes met his. “You’re clever, alright, and extremely dangerous.”
“Clever and dangerous. Sounds like you’re outmatched.”
He released her braid and trailed kisses down her neck. “True, but I’m a pretty determined guy, so I won’t give up. Not until I convince you that I’m crazy about you. And that as much as I love that incredible body of yours…what I really want is all of you.”
She sank her teeth into her bottom lip and drew in a deep breath, her eyes meeting his for a moment then lowering to his chest, where she trailed her fingers through his hair. “Really?”
He lifted her chin, peering deep into those wickedly mysterious green eyes. “Really.”
Her hands were trembling, the bravado he’d seen a moment ago gone. He’d venture that there weren’t many things that scared Jamie Charles. But he could see the fear in her eyes so clearly. She hadn’t just avoided true intimacy, she was terrified of it. All of her rules and the tough-girl image were a ring of fire she’d surrounded herself with to keep everyone out. Only she didn’t realize that it imprisoned her as much as it protected her.
“Why is it so important to you that I stay?” Her lips were pressed into a slight grimace as she searched his face.
“Because you are an amazing woman, and I don’t want to miss a second with you,” he said, his palm pressed to her cheek. “Seeing this gorgeous face, hearing your infectious laugh…I can’t think of a more perfect way to start my day.”
Her gaze softened. A mischievous smirk replaced the wary look there a moment ago. “I’ll stay,” she said, barely able to keep a straight face, “but only because you have fancy cheese and premium cable.”
He laughed, taking her in his arms. Whatever her reason, if Jamie was breaking her sleepover rule for him, he’d make damn sure it was worth it.
Jamie may be clever and dangerous, but Miles is pretty damned perceptive. He’s able to read between the lines and he can hear the things Jamie isn’t saying. Most importantly, he cares for her enough to fight his way through the “ring of fire” she actively maintains around her heart to protect it from further damage. He will eventually discover just how deep those wounds go. But for now, they are both content.
Now, it’s time for more goodies–delicious and calorie-free. Visit the authors on the list below to see what yummy treats they have in store for you.
Photo courtesy of Didriks. Some rights reserved.
I’m in love with Miles. I’ve really got to make time to listen to the audio book soon.
I signed up to NaNoWriMo so reading time is definitely going to be low. We’ll see.
Thanks, Kiru! Good luck with NaNoWriMo!
I like that he can see through her defenses and he’s willing to talk to her about them. Great tease, Reese.
Thanks so much, Siobhan!
Definitely feeling these excerpts, Reese! You really have me wondering what it’s going to happen between these two next.
Thanks so much, Quanie.
Lovely teaser
Thank you, Elodie!
I love this line –> …I don’t want to miss a second with you.” I smiled when I read it. It reminded me of “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith. LOVE it! Can’t wait to see what you tease us with next week
That is my absolute favorite Aerosmith song. Maybe it’s Miles’s, too.
Hi Reese! I loved how his honesty completely threw her for a loop. I’m glad he said what he said, exactly how he said it. Something tells me she can’t hide behind the cheese and premium cable for long. Love your humor!
Thanks, Carlene! Miles is a patient man, but he also recognizes her underlying pain, having a painful past of his own.
I’m rooting for Miles. Very sensitive and persistent. Jamie stands no chance, ring of fire or not. I could feel her fear. Well done, Reese. Sexy tease.
You know, every week you make me fall in love in Miles a little bit more. He’s just… yum
I *Heart* Miles! Great tease